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Global Health: Atlases & Statistics


The online resources below offer international information in a geographical way. Information is presented via interactive maps with detailed information on countries, as well as specific health indicators.

Health Statistics

Health statistics are usually generated from vital (birth, death, marriage, divorce rates), mortality (the number of people who die of a certain disease compared with the total number of people) and morbidity (incidence of disease in a population) data types. Socioeconomic factors, demographic distribution of disease based on geographic, ethnic and gender variables are most commonly available.

Be aware of the problems and challenges collecting and using Health Statistics

  • Most statistical data is out of date by some degree by the time it is published.  Most often there will be a 3-5 year time lag from when the statistics are collected and compiled and published.
  • Data is collected by numerous governmental and not-for-profit organizations.  Data is often collected differently and some geographic areas will be over represented and others will be underrepresented.
  • Many countries may not have collected data and complied statistics until fairly recently