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Annotated Bibliography

A bibliography is a list of sources that a person has used to research a topic. Known as references, works cited, or works consulted, bibliographies typically include only the bibliographic information such as author, date, title, and publisher.

An annotated bibliography is a list of references that includes a brief summary and critical analysis of the sources you've gathered- article, book, report, website, on a topic. Typically an annotation is 150-200 words and evaluates the relevancy, accuracy and quality of sources as well as summarizes and analyzes the content and conclusions.

Visit NIC's Annotated Bibliography Guide for help writing and formatting annotated bibliographies, as well as a variety of examples. You can also search CINHAL using annotated bibliography as a search term.

Sentence Starters

Sentence Starters

A key strength/limitation of this article is…

The authors fail to provide sufficient evidence in respect to…

A major oversight of the research was that it…

The key contribution of this research is…

Of most significance in this research was the …

The limited scope of the study …

This research has limited application to my own research as it…

The focus on …. .... in this article is of relevance to my own research as it shows …...

This article would need to be supplemented with…in order for it to fully address my own topic of investigation.

The author explores/investigates/argues/shows…

The main focus in this article is on…

A key focus was the …

The three key findings in this study were …

The main thesis of this argument was that…

The author contrasts...

The authors present an overview…

Brown et al. argue that…

The data shows …