This book draws attention to the urgent need for early childhood education to critically encounter and pedagogically respond to the entanglements of environmentally damaged places, anti-blackness, and settler colonial legacies. Drawing from the author's multi-year participatory action research with educators and children in suburban settings, the book highlights Indigenous presences and land relations within ongoing settler colonialism as necessary, yet ...
Gain a strong understanding of the foundational issues you face as you teach, parent or assist in an inclusive early childhood setting with Allen/Cowdery's THE EXCEPTIONAL CHILD: INCLUSION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, 9E. Today's most comprehensive, applied text on early childhood special education, this edition, with an appealing new design, defines inclusion and early childhood disabilities and explains the latest federal legislation. ...
A Handful of Quiet presents one of the best known and most innovative meditation practices developed by Thich Nhat Hanh as part of the Plum Village community's practice with children. Pebble meditation is a playful and fun activity that parents and educators can do with their children to introduce them to meditation. It is designed to involve children in a hands-on and creative way that touches on their interconnection with nature. Practicing pebble meditation ...
"'Illuminating Care: The Pedagogy and Practice of Care in Early Childhood Communities' is a powerful exploration of caregiving as a vital component of education and child development and a crucial building block of human community and society. Carol Garboden Murray meaningfully invites educators, parents, and caregivers to experience the essential strength and value of their care for young children, the artistry and integrity of it, in the routines of daily life."
Kindergarten teacher Deanna Pecaski McLennan, PhD, takes readers on a journey through her own kindergarten classroom and how she's actively cultivating computational thinking in her students through a Reggio Emilia lens and emergent curriculum. Using photos, vignettes, narrative, and more than eighty unplugged coding activities, this book will help readers better understand what coding is and how they can begin to implement easy and ...
Caregiver fatigue and low morale is a problem in many early care settings. Overcoming Teacher Burnout in Early Childhood focuses on the many reasons why early childhood professionals can suffer from low staff morale that causes such a high industry turnover rate. Included are ways to motivate and inspire yourself and others to view their work in a way that is healthy, intentional, and creates a high-quality early childhood environment. ...
Whether you are a teacher looking for ways to strengthen the math learning in your early childhood classroom, an educator in a community of practice who wants to learn more about teaching math in developmentally appropriate ways, or a teacher-educator who wants to offer students an easy-to-use reference and guide for helping young children develop their math competencies and skills, this text will help you make math learning a fun and ...
Playing and Learning in Early Childhood Education supports early childhood education students, practitioners, and primary educators to engage in the exploration of the theoretical framework of play, characteristics of play, the environmental and cultural factors that influence play, and the application of developmentally appropriate play practices. Playing and Learning in Early Childhood Education is grounded in sharing new research, practices, ...
Trauma Is in Children's Lives--But So Are You The world can be a confusing, frightening place to young children. More than ever, early childhood educators need accurate information and practical guidance for helping children and families who have experienced trauma. Following a healing-centered approach to working with children ages 3-6, this book provides an understanding of What trauma is, what causes it, and its potential effects on the brain and ...
Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators guides child care providers and early educators working with infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and early elementary aged children to understand trauma as well as its impact on young children's brains, behavior, learning, and development. The book introduces a range of trauma-informed teaching and family engagement strategies that readers can use in their early childhood programs to create ...
Want to be your child's favorite teacher? Help your child expand their knowledge, develop a love of learning, and have fun...all while doing low-prep activities together! You no longer have to waste time searching for age-appropriate activities. Now you can enjoy the ultimate collection of kid-tested fun that can be ready in minutes! Autumn McKay, author of The Ultimate Toddler Activity Guide, is a mother of 3 and understands the pressure to create fun ...
Give your children the precious gifts of wonder and curiosity to help them become the best they can be with Wonder Art Workshop.
The number of dual language learners in early childhood classrooms is expanding every year--and teachers often feel underprepared to bridge language barriers and effectively meet these students' learning needs. Help is here in this book--a toolbox of today's best strategies for supporting children and families from diverse backgrounds and ensuring the academic and social success of young dual language learners. Early childhood educators will get an ...
Building Together is a journey focused on the leadership necessary for today's early childhood education system building. This book provides a road map to what effective leaders do, how they do it, and the leadership necessary to work towards collaborative systems level change. Building Together includes a wealth of information on the leadership skills, styles and competencies necessary to address today's challenges and opportunities in the field of early ...
Communicating Effectively and Meaningfully with Diverse Families: An Action Oriented Approach for Early Childhood Educators provides readers with opportunities to critically reflect upon the impact of culturally responsive practices and intercultural communication when communicating and collaborating with families. With a special focus on inclusive practices and ways to effectively develop partnerships with families, pedagogical strategies are ...
In recent years there have been significant changes in education across the globe, largely as a result of changing demographics, technological developments, and increased globalization. Relatedly, the changing needs of societies and families, along with new research findings, provide new directions in early childhood education. ...
In recent years there have been significant changes in education across the globe, largely as a result of changing demographics, technological developments, and increased globalization. Relatedly, the changing needs of societies and families, along with new research findings, provide new directions in early childhood education. ...
Winner of the Professional Books category in the 2018 Nursery World Awards. Empathy is an essential part of being human: it allows us to connect with others, which in turn opens doors for us to happiness and success. Though everyone is born with an inherent capacity for empathy, children have the power to grow and re-build their natural supply, and even 'learn' to be more understanding towards others. This pithy and practical guide provides ...
Learning to read and write for meaning and pleasure are arguably the two most important competences that children acquire in primary school. Yet, in 2019 more than one half of children worldwide do not reach this first rung on the literacy ladder. Improving Early Literacy Outcomes aims to address this head-on, by foregrounding the work of more than 40 researchers, most of them living in, and working on, developing countries. Their contributions illuminate, ...
What does it mean to inquire? Grownups would say it means to question, to search for information, or to find out about a topic of interest. For children in an early childhood classroom, the definition is no different. From the time of their birth, children want to know how the world works and actively seek out information. How educators respond to their questions is what this book is all about. Inquiry-Based Early Learning Environments takes an in-depth look ...
There is a growing interest in understanding how early years care and education is organised and experienced internationally. This book examines key influential approaches to early years care as well as some less well-known systems from around the world. In particular the book aims to: Inform those studying early years about perspectives in other countries Encourage critical thinking about issues, influences and the complexities of early years ...
The focus of this book is on different aspects of leadership and governess for learning in the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector, which serves children aged 1-5 years. Internationally, the discourse on the ECEC sector is interwoven with the discourse on early intervention, where ECEC is viewed as laying the foundation for lifelong learning, eliminating child poverty, and fostering social inclusion within an increasingly diverse population.
Mobile technologies can facilitate different kinds of learning, ina range of contexts. They can also enable innovative and powerful ways ofparticipating in collaborative learning. This book examines the ways in whichmobile technologies may contribute to, change, or disrupt literacy learning inchildren up to the age of twelve. Also explored is the impact mobiletechnologies may have on literacy definitions and practices; learningenvironments; student, parent and ...
In the first years of life, as children observe, imitate, and interact with people and their environment, the brain is structuring a foundation for vocabulary, values, cognitive processes, and social skills. Educators, you can help influence that development by teaching the skills and dispositions of intelligent, creative, effective decision makers and problem solvers. Within these pages, Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick share the authentic stories and ...
Aiding discussion of gender diversity and sexuality with very young children, this practical guide helps practitioners explore these themes in early years settings. Promoting and extending current good practice, the book offers advice and activities that will support children in discovering their identity and also demonstrates how to work with parents. This guide presents a background to gender theory alongside examples and case studies, showing that activities ...
"What if you could challenge your kindergartners to create a mini roller coaster? Physics in Motion turns a fun building project into an opportunity to investigate concepts such as energy, gravity, friction, and speed. Students will use the engineering design process while working collaboratively to design, build, and test marble track roller coasters. They will measure, compare, and evaluate numbers related to their project. They'll use technology to do research and ...
Offering an in-depth exploration of the distinctive features of the play development and learning of toddlers, this book provides useful materials, strategies and tools that can be used by practitioners supporting toddlers at this significant age. The book explores the context and concepts of wellbeing and is ideal for early years practitioners, teachers and students working with toddlers. It sets out practical guidance on the following key factors: home, family, health, ...
This practical guide equips practitioners to support families and carers in developing effective toilet training programmes and provide continued help with analysing and addressing problems that occur. With appropriate intervention and persistence most children on the autism spectrum can be toilet trained, however difficult it may sometimes seem at first. Eve Fleming and Lorraine MacAlister are specialists on continence problems in ...