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Take a moment for quiet reflection by checking out one of the library's Mindfulness Kits.

Meditation Kit

The Meditation Kit includes a collapsible meditation

bench and noise cancelling headphones.

Find a comfortable space, connect your device,

and explore our Online Meditations. Use this kit

on campus, or take it home. 


Pebble Meditation : A Handful of Quiet 

Select from the following links for guidance how to practice

Thich Nhat Hanh’s Pebble Meditation: 


The Pebble Meditation/Guided Meditation for Children

Pebble Meditation Practice

Thich Nhat Hanh's Pebble Meditation - Tutorial

Also Available:

  • Book of easy and interactive mindfulness activities
  • Mandala colouring book & pencil crayons
  • Finger labyrinths