1. Do I need to obtain permission to use copyright material in my course pack?
Under fair dealing, short excerpts of copyright-protected material may be included in course packs without permission. See the Fair Dealing Policy for details. In addition some material covered by licenses for electronic resources may be included in course packs.
2. Do I need to obtain permission if I want copyright protected material printed on campus?
If the amount and purpose of the copying is covered by fair dealing, or another exception, or a license that the Library has for electronic resources, you do not need express permission. If, for example, you want copies printed for classroom handout, and the amount to be copied is consistent with fair dealing, you will not need permission. If, however, what you want to copy is not covered by fair dealing, or another exception, or a Library license, permission will be needed.
3. If I have permission to put something on Brightspace, does this mean I can also include it in my course pack?
If the copy posted to Brightspace is covered by fair dealing, it is likely that the copy can be included in a course pack without permission. If, however, the copy posted to Brightspace is permitted under a license agreement between NIC and the publisher, it is necessary to consult the license agreement to determine whether a copy may also be included in a course pack. Some copyright holders will grant users permission to put information on password-secured websites, such as Brightspace, but not to put the information in print format. It is advisable to confirm permission separately, for course pack use and for Brightspace.
4. Why is there sometimes a fee for copyright material used in course packs?
Copyright holders and creators of works have the right to charge a fee for the use of their materials unless the use is otherwise covered by fair dealing, another exception, or a Library license. These fees vary, usually based on the number of pages or excerpts copied and the number of copies made.