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eBooks: How to Find eBooks: Downloading eBooks On a Computer

How to Download an eBook onto a Computer

When using the library's Discovery Search, you may come across eBooks.

eBooks can be read directly on your browser by using the Full Text Link. Many eBooks can also be downloaded onto computers, smartphones, eReaders, and other mobile devices for offline reading.

The following are instructions for downloading an eBook onto a computer:


  1. Click the Download button on the eBook record.



  2. You will be prompted to sign in to your EBSCOhost account. Sign in or create an account if you don’t have one.



  3. If you do not have Adobe Digital Editions downloaded onto your computer, download that first by clicking on the link next to Desktop under Viewing Requirements. It is free to download.



4. When Adobe Digital Editions is downloaded, open it and click Help --> Authorize Computer



5. Sign in with your Adobe ID. If you don’t have one, click Create an Adobe ID. It’s free to create an account and you will be able to use the same ID to authorize any eBook readers you use (mobile or desktop). Once you have an ID, return to Adobe Digital Editions to authorize your computer.



6. Once Adobe Digital Editions is setup, return to your browser and checkout the eBook by clicking Checkout & Download. The eBook is checked out and will be added to your checkouts folder in your EBSCOhost account for future reference.


7. You will be prompted to save the eBook (this screen may look different depending on the browser being used). Click the arrow beside Save to Save as and choose where on your computer, you would like to save the eBook.



8. In Adobe Digital Editions, open up the eBook to read it: File --> Add to Library.



9. Find the eBook where you saved it, click on the file and then Open. You may have to change the file type to Adobe Content Server Message at the bottom for the eBook file to appear.



10. The eBook will be added to your Adobe Editions Library and open up in the reader.


11. Once the checkout period expires (7 days in this case), the eBook will automatically be checked in and the file will no longer be accessible.