There are multiple ways to access NIC eBooks via mobile device such as through Discovery Search or the eBook Academic Collection link on the articles & databases list. Note that, accessing the eBook Academic Collection directly gives you the option to search for eBooks that can be downloaded.
1. This is the eBook Collection mobile website. Click the download available limiter lower down on the search screen to only find eBooks that can be downloaded.
Type in a keyword, and click the Search button.
2. A results screen will appear with a list of eBook titles that are available to download.
Click on a title to open up the eBook record.
Click Full Download to download the eBook for offline reading.
3. To download the eBook you will need to sign into your My EBSCOhost account, or create an account if you do not have one.
Click Sign In / Create Account
4. Here's the My EBSCOhost sign in screen. If you have a Google account, you can use that to sign in to avoid creating a new My EBSCOhost account.
If you do not have a My EBSCOhost account, click Create one now and follow the steps.
5. After signing in, the download eBook screen will appear. If the eBook is available for download, you can choose a borrowing period (the max and default is 7 days).
If you don’t have an eBook reader on your device, download the recommended eBook reader listed. You will also need an Adobe ID. If you have downloaded eBooks before, perhaps from the public library, you will already have an Adobe ID.
6. These next steps will differ depending on what eBook reader app you are using, but will essentially be the same. After installing the eBook reader app (these examples show the Bluefire reader), you will have to authorize it for use with Adobe. Open the app and look for this option under info or settings.
7. Next, you will be prompted to log in with your Adobe ID. If you don’t have one, click create a free Adobe ID. Once your Adobe ID has been created, return to this screen, fill in your ID and Password, then click Authorize.
You will only need to do this once. Once your reader app is authorized, you can download and read NIC eBooks.
8. Now you can return to your browser and finally download the eBook. Choose EPUB (Recommended for mobile devices), check "I have Adobe Digital Editions or equivalent installed" and click Full Download.
9. If your phone asks you to download the file, click Download or Yes and the download will then proceed. Open up your eReader app and the eBook should appear in there, or you may need to open up the eBook file you just downloaded and choose to open it with your eReader. This will depend on your device and which eReader app you are using.
The eBook will be stored in the reader app for you to access and read until the checkout period is over. When 7 days pass, the eBook will automatically discharge from your account and be removed from your app, so there is no need to “return” it like a physical book
10. Here is an example of what eBook pages look like when the book is opened in an eReader app. You can flip through the pages by swiping across the screen.