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Industry Reports & Research Starters

How to Find Industry-Specific News & Reports

1. Track down "who cares?" about the industry.

  • Are there industry associations? (Google industry name + association + to find them. Example: restaurant association
  • Are there government regulators? (For restaurants, think of the local Public Health agency or the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). You can Google industry name + government regulators to find some quickly.)

Once you find these organizations, look on their websites for sections called News, Reports, Resources, Education, etc. Some of these resources will only be available to members of the trade/industry association, but many will be available for free.

2. Do some advanced Google searching. Examples:

restaurant association covid-19

This search returns news and reports from a variety of national and local restaurant associations on COVID-19.

"food service" covid-19 filetype:pdf

This search returns results for PDFs on the Canadian government websites related to the phrase 'food service' and COVID-19.

From UBC's Small Business Accelerator guide 

Data Repositories

Data Repositories (Multiple industry reports available in one place)

Canadian Industry Statistics (Gov of Canada): Canadian Industry Statistics (CIS) analyses industry data on many economic indicators using the most recent data from Statistics Canada. CIS looks at industry trends and financial information, such as GDP, Labour Productivity, Manufacturing and Trade data.

VIEA Economic Report: This report includes an annual review and economic outlook for Vancouver Island. It includes information on business environment and investment attraction; population and labour force; industry analysis.  

Government of Canada Industry Sector Intelligence Reports: Statistics, market intelligence and business resources for each industry sector.

Work BC Industry Profiles: Scan historical and outlook data for B.C.’s 18 major industries. Access these industry profiles to see employment trends, earning potential and more. The profiles are organized using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). 

Business Market Research Collection (Library Database) – has company profiles

Statista (Library Database) - A statistics portal that integrates data on over 60,000 topics from over 22,000 sources. Find statistics, consumer market information, digital markets, country reports and industry studies.

UBC's Small Business Accelerator guide - These guides are detailed aids to help you plan and execute your secondary market research. Provides information on industry, competitors, and target markets