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Chicago Style Guide: 17th Edition

Paintings, Photographs, Sculpture (Sec. 14.235)

Full Note: 
1. First Name Surname of artist, Title of Work in Italics,
Date created/completed, medium, Location of work, URL.
1. Roy Lichtenstein, Drowning Girl, 1963, oil and synthetic on
canvas, 67 5/8 x 66 3/4" (171.6 x 169.5 cm), Museum of Modern Art,
New York, 
Subsequent Note: 
2. Author Surname, Title of Work.
2. Lichtenstein, Drowning Girl.

Artist Surname, First Name. Title of Work in Italics. Date created/completed.
Medium. Location of work. URL.
​Lichtenstein, Roy, Drowning Girl, 1963. Oil and synthetic on canvas, 67 5/8 x 66 3/4"
(171.6 x 169.5 cm). Museum of Modern Art, New York.