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Chicago Style Guide: 17th Edition

Lectures and Papers Presented at Meetings (Sec.14.217)


Use the following format when citing lectures, papers presented at meetings or poster sessions, and other similar presentations. Such entries often include the sponsorship, location, and date of the meeting following the title. When such texts are published, they should be treated like a chapter in a book or article in a journal. 

Full Note: 
1. Lecturer First Name Surname, "Title of the Lecture " (lecture, Location of Lecture,
Month Day, Year of Lecture), URL
1. G. C. Sullivan, "The Art of Watercolours" (lecture, Red Deer College, Red
Deer, AB, November 13, 2003). 
Subsequent Note: 
            2. Lecturer Surname, "Title of Lecture."
2. Sullivan, "The Art of Watercolours."

Lecturer Surname, First Name or Initial. "Lecture Title." Lecture at Location of Lecture,
Month Day, Year of Lecture. URL
Sullivan, G.C. "The Art of Watercolours." Lecture at Red Deer College, Red Deer,
AB, November 13, 2003.