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Chicago Style Guide: 17th Edition

Edition of a Book Other than the First (Sec 14.113)


Abbreviate edition statements as follows: 

Second edition = 2nd ed.
Third edition = 3rd ed.
Fourth edition = 4th ed.
Revised edition = rev. ed. (Note) or Rev. ed. (Bibliography)


Full Note: 
1. Author First Name/Initial Surname, Book Title: Subtitle, edition (Place of
Publication: Publisher, Year), page #.
            1. James S. Frideres, René R. Gadacz, and James Frideres, Aboriginal 
Peoples in Canada, 8th ed. (Toronto, ON: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008), 85.
Subsequent Note: 
2. Author Surname, Book Title, page #. 
2. Frideres, Gadacz, and Frideres, Aboriginal Peoples in Canada,  85.


Author Surname, First Name or Initial. Book Title: Subtitle. Edition. Place of
Publication: Publisher, Year.
Frideres, James S., René R. Gadacz, and James Frideres. Aboriginal Peoples in Canada.
8th ed. Toronto, ON: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008.