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APA Style Guide: 6th Edition

Journal Article with 8 or More Authors

Examples of formatting an in-text citation for this item are outlined below:

Reference Information


Liaw, S. Y., Wu, L. T., Lopez, V., Chow, Y. L., Lim, S., Holroyd, E., ... Wang, W. (2017). Development and psychometric testing of an instrument to compare career choice influences and perceptions of nursing among healthcare students. BMC Medical Education, 17(1), 72. doi:10.1186/s12909-017-0910-7

In-text Citation Guidelines



The last name of the first author, followed by "et al.", and the year of publication,  placed in brackets at the end of a paraphrased sentence.

Note: If you are paraphrasing from a lengthy document, also include page, paragraph or heading info. 


Consider this a paraphrased sentence (Liaw et al., 2017).                        


Sentence beginning with the last name of the first author, followed by "et al." and the date in brackets; page # in brackets at the end of the quote.


According to Liaw et al. (2017), "consider this a direct quote" (p. 72).

Remember, in-text citation formatting changes depending on a number of factors.

See Number and Type of Author(s), Publication Date, and Page/Paragraph Number or Heading for more information.