Please Note: According to the APA Blog, recommendations have recently been updated in regard to referencing government documents and reports. While still correct, it is no longer necessary to list the full hierarchy of agencies as shown on the report in question; instead, you may list only the most specific agency responsible. Click here for more detailed information.
Examples of formatting an in-text citation for this item are outlined below:
Reference Information |
Infrastructure Canada. (2012). Infrastructure spotlight: Improving public transit for the 21st century (Catalogue No. T94-5/3-2012E-PDF). Retrieved from |
In-text Citation Guidelines |
Examples |
1. Name of Government Agency and year of publication placed in brackets at the end of a paraphrased sentence. . Note: If you are paraphrasing from a lengthy document, also include page, paragraph or heading info. |
Consider this a paraphrased sentence (Infrastructure Canada, 2012). |
2. Sentence beginning with the name of the government agency followed immediately by date in brackets; page # in brackets at the end of the quote. |
According to Infrastructure Canada (2012), "consider this a direct quote" (p. 7).
Remember, in-text citation formatting changes depending on a number of factors.
See Number and Type of Author(s), Publication Date, and Page/Paragraph Number or Heading for more information.