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Student Technical Services

Answers to Students' Computer Questions at NIC



Welcome to NIC’s Brightspace

You can access Brightspace at  or by clicking the “Brightspace Courses” links on your myNIC home page at or by clicking the "Brightspace" link in "Quick Links" at


Go to Brightspace at


You can sign in using your NIC email address as your Username, and your current NIC password (Ex.




Once signed in, you will be able to see your internal notifications and your courses by clicking on the waffle at the top of your homepage, or by using the My Courses widget on your homepage.





Clicking your Avatar will allow you to edit your Profile, setup external Notifications and access other things like your Account Settings.

Once inside your course, you will navigate with and find all your course resources and materials by using the Navigation Bar.


Click on these tabs to find your course Content, Assignments, Quizzes, Grades and more.



Want to stay up to date with everything going on in your courses? Download the Pulse app.



Brightspace Pulse is a mobile app for students that can help you stay connected and on track with your Brightspace courses. It gives you one easy view of course calendars, readings, assignments, evaluations, grades, activity feed and news.

Download for Android here

Download for IOS here



Like Videos? Take a student's tour of NIC's Brightspace here

Check out these videos for Brightspace Learners, and download the Student Brightspace Quick Start Guide at the top of this page!




Want to be notified to activity in your courses without having to sign into Brightspace? Setting up external Notifications is easy. Click on your Brightspace avatar and then click on Notifications.



Here you can get Notifications sent to your Email address or register your phone number and have them sent as SMS.


Go through the list of Instant Notifications and check off the ones you want sent to you. Remember to save your changes after making your selections.



Want even more control over Notifications? Download the Pulse App!

Download for Android here

Download for Apple here



All your available Assignments in Brightspace can be found by clicking the Assignments tab on the Navigation bar.


Clicking the assignment will bring you to the assignment/submission page where you will be given instructions on the assignment, and a place to submit it when completed. Assignment submissions will either be through a text submission, or a file submission, depending on how the assignment was setup by your instructor.

A Text Submission will require you to type, copy/paste or embed (eg. Kaltura - Find more info on that here) your content into the text box and then press Submit to complete the assignment.



A File Submission will require you to add your assignment as a file from your computer by clicking the Add a File button and then uploading a file from your computer. Don’t forget to press Submit to complete submitting your assignment.

