myNIC Login Info
Your myNIC User ID
Your myNIC login will be your Email address (Eg. and your current NIC password.
Your initial password was given to you by email after you registered at NIC. If you forgot or never received it, and have never enrolled in Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR), you will need to contact us.
Students who enrolled in SSPR can go to to reset their passwords.
Welcome to your myNIC. Here you will find access to your Email, Onedrive, Brightspace courses, Self-Service(transcripts, grades, tax documents, updating personal information etc.) Calendar and other useful links and features.
You can add and remove tiles as you see fit, and search for more using the "Discover More" button.
Access your Calendar, Notifications and Profile at the top of the page.
You can also access your Self-Service options here by clicking into the mySelf-Service tile.
Where is my Student Email?
You can access your NIC Email and OneDrive by signing into myNIC and clicking on the tiles to sign in.
Sign in using your NIC Email address as the username, and your current NIC Password. (Ex.
You will then be able to see your last 10 Emails in the tile, and you can click them to access your full NIC Webmail.
You can also do the same for your OneDrive to access the last 10 files you saved, or made changes to, if you save to your NIC OneDrive.
You can also access your NIC Email by signing into your webmail at using the same information as above.
If you need to reset your NIC Password you can do that here
Getting Locked Out?
1. Clear your internet history
2. Erase all saved passwords from your Internet Browser (forms, iCloud KeyChain, etc.)
3. Try using a "Private Browsing" tab in your internet browser (incognito mode, etc.)
4. Try using a different Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.)
5. Unlock your account here