When referencing a journal article, be sure to include the title of the article (source), and the name of the journal (container) it was published in, and the database (container 2). Include any volume and/or number information as applicable.
When you access a journal article electronically, be sure to include the URL or DOI as the location in the works cited entry.
Including the access date is recommended, but not required.
There are different ways to format an in-text citation, depending on your writing style and sentence structure. Every in-text citation must include the author's last name and page number. Formatting examples are outlined below:
Reference Information |
Sharma, Satyam, et al. “A Pilot Study of Correlation between Intelligence Quotient, Social Quotient, and Ayurveda Parameters in Children.” Indian Journal of Psychological medicine, vol. 40, no. 1, Jan/Feb 2018, pp. 74-79. Academic Search Complete, doi:10.4103/IJPSYM.IJPSYM_227_17. Accessed 14 Mar 2018. |
In-text Citation Guidelines |
Examples |
Include the first author's last name followed by et al. and page number placed in brackets at the end of a sentence. |
Consider this a paraphrased sentence (Sharma et al. 76). |
Include the first author's last name followed by and others as part of the sentence; include the page number in brackets. |
According to Sharma and others, "consider this a direct quote" (76). |
Remember, in-text citation formatting changes depending on a number of factors.