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MLA Style Guide

Authored Chapter of an Edited Book


When creating a reference for an authored chapter of an edited book, include the chapter author's name , followed by the chapter title in quotations. Next, include the the title of the book (container), followed by the editor's name. 

There are different ways to format an in-text citation depending on your writing style and sentence structure. Formatting examples are outlined below:

Reference Information

Hesse, Carla. “Books in time.” The Future of the Book, edited by Geoffrey Nunberg, U of California P, 1996, pp. 21-36.

In-text Citation Guidelines



Include the author of the chapter's name and the page number in brackets at the end of the sentence.


Consider this a paraphrased sentence (Hesse 34).   


Include the author of the chapter's name in the sentence, and include the page number in brackets at the end of the sentence.


According to Hesse, "consider this a direct quote" (34).

Remember, in-text citation formatting may change depending on a number of factors.