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MLA Style Guide

Book with Corporate Author


When a corporation is the author of the work, they are often also the publisher. If the author and publisher of the work are the same, skip the author and begin your works cited entry with the title of the work.

If the author and publisher of the work are different, include the name of the corporation/organization responsible for the work as the author, and include the publisher. If the corporation's name begins with "The," skip it and begin with the next word when transcribing a corporate name as the author.

There are different ways to format an in-text citation, depending on your writing style and sentence structure, and the source type. Formatting examples are outlined below:

Reference Information

MLA Handbook. 8th ed., The Modern Language Association of America, 2016.

NOTE: For this work, the author and publisher are the same.

This means that the works cited entry begins with the title of the work, instead of the author.

When a works cited entry has no author, refer to the title of the work for in-text citations.

In-text Citation Guidelines



Include a shortened version of the title in brackets at the end of a sentence.


Consider this a paraphrased sentence (MLA 104).   


Include the full name of the work as part of the sentence; include the page number in brackets.


According to the MLA Handbook, "consider this a direct quote" (104).

Remember, in-text citation formatting may change depending on a number of factors.