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MLA Style Guide 9th Edition


eBook from Website


It is important to include the location element when referencing electronic resources. The following identifiers (in order of preference) may be listed as the location for an electronic resource: 

  1. a DOI
  2. a permalink
  3. a URL

You should always include the https:// with DOI's. You may choose to omit http:// or https:// from other URL's unless you want to hyperlink them and are working in a software program that does not allow hyperlinking without it.  

If a URL runs more than three full lines or is longer than the rest of the entry, you should shorten it. When shortening a URL always retain at least the host (see Tips for Online Sources).

Links included in the Works Cited may be active if you are submitting your paper electronically.



Last, Frist. Title of Work in Italics. Publisher, year. Website, Location.



Gomes, Edwin H. Seventeen Years Among the Sea Dyak of Borneo: A record of intimate association with the natives of the Borneo jungles. Seeley and Co. Limited, 1911. Project Gutenberg,

*Not necessary to include access date for eBook

When creating an in-text citation for an eBook reference, keep in mind that some eBooks may not include page numbers. If the eBook includes paragraph numbers, use par. or pars. to indicate the paragraph(s) you are referring to. Numbering on ebooks may not be consistent on all devices, so it is also appropriate to use numbers of stable sections, such as chapter numbers (i.e. ch. 2), in your in-text citations in place of page or paragraph numbers. Examples are outlined below:

Reference Information

Gomes, Edwin H. Seventeen Years Among the Sea Dyak of Borneo: A record of intimate association with the natives of the Borneo jungles. Seeley and Co. Limited, 1911. Project Gutenberg,

In-text Citation Guidelines



Include the author's last name and page number (or paragraph number) placed in brackets at the end of a sentence.


Consider this a paraphrased sentence (Gomes pars. 88-91).                        


Include the author's last names as part of the sentence; include the page number (or paragraph number) in brackets. The first time the author is mentioned in text use their full name (excluding middle initials), and use their last name only after that.


According to Edwin Gomes, "consider this a direct quote" (par. 41). Gomes goes on to argue that this is a paraphrased sentence (par. 43).

Remember, in-text citation formatting changes depending on a number of factors.