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MLA Style Guide 9th Edition


Newspaper Article


A reference for a newspaper article will look similar to a reference for a journal article, as they will have many of the same core elements. Be sure to include both the title of the article (source), and the name of the newspaper (container) it was published in, and the database (container 2) you retrieved it from, if applicable. You may include section names if applicable.

For newspaper articles viewed online:

  • Include the URL as the location in the works cited entry
  • Including the access date is recommended if a publication date is not provided


Newspaper Articles



Last, First. "Title of Article in Quotations." Name of Newspaper in Italics, vol. #, no. #, Date, pp. first page-last page.



Shaw, Rob. "B.C. Hydro Pulls Plug on Any New Private Projects: Hits Pause Pending Government Review of its Operations." Times Colonist, 15 Mar 2018, p. B1.


Last, First. "Title of Article in Quotations." Name of Newspaper in Italics, vol. #, no. #, Date, pp. first page-last page.Database, location (link or DOI).



Kent, Gordon. "Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Has Been Ok'd But There's Still Much to Do." Edmonton Journal, 9 Feb 2018, p. A.1. Canadian Major Dailies,

There are different ways to format an in-text citation, depending on your writing style and sentence structure. Every in-text citation must include the author's last name and page number. Formatting examples are outlined below:

Reference Information

Shaw, Rob. “B.C. Hydro Pulls Plug on Any New Private Projects: Hits Pause Pending Government Review of its Operations.” Times Colonist, 15 Mar 2018, p. B1.

In-text Citation Guidelines



Include the author's last name and page number placed in brackets at the end of a sentence.


Consider this a paraphrased sentence (Shaw B1).                        


Include the author's last name as part of the sentence; include the page number in brackets. The first time the author is mentioned in text use their full name (excluding middle initials), and use their last name only after that.


According to Rob Shaw, "consider this a direct quote" (B1). Shaw goes on to argue that this is a paraphrased sentence (B1).

Remember, in-text citation formatting changes depending on a number of factors.