Faculty may request the library reserve one, or a collection, of books, instructor copies of books, articles and/or student essays for their classes, for a specific time period within each term.
Faculty may retrieve a Reserve Request form on the “Instruction Support” tab at library.nic.bc.ca > Services > Faculty. They must fill out all the fields, listing all the items they want reserved, and return it to the campus library in which they wish the reserves held.
Faculty may walk into the library and inquire. Provide the Instructor with a Reserve Request form found via the Library staff portal at Teams > Library Services > Forms and ask them to fill it out and return it via the book drop if the Circulation desk is closed. Point out the reserve and fine limits on the Loan Periods & Fines tab at https://library.nic.bc.ca/borrowingservices.
Book type reserve loan periods are not noted online. Allowable loan periods for books are: 1HR, 2HR, 5HR, 1DAY, 48HR, 4DAY, 7DAY loans.
Reserve articles allowable loan periods are: 2HR, 1DAY, or 2DAY.
Circulation Rule regarding acronyms: use “2 Hour”, not “2 h”. Use “4 Day”, not “4 D”, etc.
Once the form is returned check to ensure the library has the items and that they are available for Reserve.
Maximum of 5 reserve books checked out per person.
Book reserve loan periods allowed: 1HR, 2HR, 5HR, 1DAY, 48HR, 4DAY, 7DAY loans.
Faculty requested media may be reserved for student viewing to a maximum of one week. Students may view reserved media “in-library” only.
Reserve lists should be reviewed at end of term for reserves no longer required.
Year-end inventory may include a check to ensure items are not left in reserve in error.
All books are to be returned by 11:59 p.m. on the due date. Books signed out on Fridays will be due Mondays at 11:59 p.m. Back date items in the book drop before the library opens to the previous open day.
Reserve Articles with a 2-hour loan period are configured in WorkFlows with a 15-minute grace period before fines come into effect.
Hourly use reserves may be removed from the library. It is advisable to bring the limited loan period and fine to the attention of the borrower during check-out. (Historically, hourly use reserves were limited to “in-library use” only.)
Course Reserves: Annual Inventory & Follow Up
We make an effort to keep the small course reserves collection current and relevant by first performing an annual inventory of items on the shelf, and then following up with instructors associated with those items.
In Comox Valley, there are approximately 250 course reserves. The entire process may take as long as 3 or 4 days. It is best to begin as early as April 1st to ensure that we can connect with instructional faculty before summer vacation.
Scanning Course Reserves
Use the staff floater laptop, the cordless scanner, and MS Excel to record item ID (barcode) of all reserve items on shelf.
Change the data type: (General) will record 1.511E+12 à (Number) will convert to 1511000557814.00
Decrease Decimal by two spaces
n.b. Excel does not record leading zero in ID
Get Bibliographic Information
Open Workflows and access the information about the course reserve.
Reserves tab à Reserve Information and Maintenance à Modify Reserve à Basic Information
Enter the item ID. Remember to replace the leading zero that Excel does not record
Copy into the Excel spreadsheet the following info: (Date Placed) & (Circulation Rule)
Click the linked title of the course reserve that is located above the desk location field
Copy into the Excel spreadsheet the following info: (Title) & (Call Number/Course Code)
n.b. differentiate between title & item
Navigate to the Individual Reserve tab
Click on the Instructor Name. Copy into the Excel spreadsheet the entire line that includes the following info: (Instructor Name) & (Instructor ID) & (Stage) & (New Stage) & (Course name) & (Course ID) & (Expires(D/M/Y)
n.b. compile info for Instructor #1, Instructor #2, Instructor #3, etc. if there are multiple instructors associated with the course reserve
Get “Instructor Copy” Information
A majority of the course reserves are “instructor copies” (i.e., their own property). Follow the Workflows instructions to determine if a course reserve is an instructor copy.
Circulation tab à Item Search and Display
Index Item ID à Search for: 01511000557814
n.b. Remember to replace the leading zero that Excel does not record
Call Item/Number tab à Item Info
Record “Instructor-owned copy” info (if present) from the “Staff” field in Extended information
n.b. Legacy “instructor copy” information may be in line 590 of the MARC record.
Circulation tab à Item Search and Display à Bibliographic tab
Contact Instructors
Once all of the info has been collected in Excel, you can use table sorting functions to determine which course reserve items are associated with which instructors. Sort the items accordingly, and copy & paste the list of items to share with instructors. Do not take screenshots – the textual information presented in a screenshot does not satisfy accessibility requirements.
Locate the @nic.bc.ca email address for the instructors using the employee directory. Send an email to each using the following template:
Our records in the NIC Library & Learning Commons indicate that there are some items on reserve for courses that you have taught here at the college (see below). Is it your intention to continue making use of these texts? Are there any that you would like us to remove from the reserves collection here in the library?
If you would like your personal property removed from the reserve collection (as shown in the table below), please inform us what you would like done with those items:
Return your property to you
Donate your property to the library
Please note that donations that fail to meet the selection criteria described in the Collection Development Policy (North Island College Policy #3-32) will be discarded.