Donations of books, periodicals, and other materials are welcomed and considered for inclusion in the collection. Upon receipt of donations, the Library assumes the right to determine their retention, location, cataloguing treatment, circulation policies, use and disposition. They may be used for sale and the proceeds used to purchase new materials.
Textbooks, items that are marked, highlighted or in poor physical condition are not accepted.
If a donor requests a tax receipt for donated material, the books must be sent to the Public Services Librarian for evaluation. Revenue Canada stipulates that a collection valued over a thousand dollars must have an independent appraiser evaluate the collection to determine its value.
Any books accepted for possible inclusion in the catalogue should be sent to the Public Services Librarian. Include a “donated book” slip in each book showing the date donated, by whom and phone number (if an instructor), which campus collection it is to be added to, and any other comments necessary for the cataloguer.
Donations of money for collection development are accepted with the understanding that final decisions about subject content and title selection rest with the College.