To change the settings for the receipt printer, click on “Preferences” menu, and select Peripherals-Receipt Printer.
Check the box next to “Receipt Printer Available”
Ensure that the receipt printer is selected in the dropdown box
Do not check any of the other boxes
To enable email receipts in Workflows:
Right click on “Checkout” under the Circulation module, and select “Properties”
On the “Behavior” tab, scroll down to “Email Checkout Receipt. There are two buttons that can be enabled:
“Email Current Checkouts” will email the user a list of checkouts from the current checkout session
Leave “Template” blank
Check “Prompt to Open Modify User Helper”. If the user doesn’t have an email address in their account this option will bring up the Modify User screen so an email address can be added.
Click “OK”
Select File-Exit to save these changes, then restart Workflows. You should now see the two email option buttons on the checkout screen