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NIC Library Manual

Monthly Stats Sheet

Statistics are tracked in a variety of ways, and are entered into a Stats Workbook at the end of the month. Copies of the completed monthly statistics are then sent to the Librarian and all library staff for information only. (see: Sharepoint > Library Services > Shared Documents > Stats Workbook 

The following are guidelines for completing the statistics. Unless otherwise noted, the statistics are entered into the Stats Workbook by the Library Tech II or III at each campus. See Appendix F for a monthly stats reference sheet.  


The statistics for this section are collected in a variety of ways: 

Each campus is responsible for keeping a tally of the following statistics: 

Extended Loans (see Extended Loans): Keep a record of how many items are lent with an extended borrowing time 

Orientations: Keep a record of how many students attend Library Orientations 


  • In person: How many reference questions are asked by students in person at the library 

  • Email/Phone: How many reference questions are answered via email or phone 

  • Directional: How many questions that are answered that are not about finding specific resources in our collection or database. Could include showing students where the magazines are shelved, letting students know where other services are located on campus, general directions. 

Workshops: How many were run, how many registered and how many attended. 

Gate Count: The security gates keep a record of how many times they are passed through 

Day: The gate number is recorded at opening and closing at PA and CR, and at opening and at 4:00 at CV. At the end of the month these numbers are added together and entered into the stats workbook 

Night: At CV the gate count is recorded again at closing. The 4:00 number is subtracted from the closing number, and the at the end of the month these counts are added together and entered into the stats workbook. PA and CR enter 0 into this field 

Weekend: At CV the gate count is recorded at opening and closing on Saturday and Sunday at CV. The numbers for the weekend are added together and entered into the stats workbook. PA and CR enter 0 into this field. 

  • All stats for items ordered through ILLume (articles, books, videos & DVDs) are downloaded and entered into the spreadsheet by the ILLume Mediator 

  • Request filled by NIC: these are ILL requests that were found full text online or in our databases and were therefore not submitted as ILL requests through ILLume. They are tracked in the ILL Stats spreadsheet (see: SharePoint > Library Services > Shared Documents > ILL Stats 

  • Media: Email/Phone: This statistic appears under Requests From NIC and under Requests to NIC. Media requests that were made via phone or email from other institutions for media items in NIC, and request made by NIC for media items at other institutions should be recorded here   


The following statistics are entered by staff: 

E-books all Campuses: Entered by Library Acquisitions 

Streaming Videos (All): Entered by Library Acquisitions 

Virtual Ref Desk: Entered by Library Tech III 

Ask Away: Entered by Librarian 

Workshops: Entered by Library Tech II

Room bookings are tracked in the LibCal where students book rooms. Monthly stats can be downloaded from LibCal: Library > Research Guides > Login to LibApps > LibGuides > LibCal > Spaces > Select Campus > Booking Explorer > Select Date Range > Export 


Workflows creates four reports at the end of each month, and they are sent to the Library Tech II and III.  

LIBStats Monthly report from ADMIN: This report includes circulation numbers for items in the regular collection, including books, software, Video’s/DVD’s, Headphones, equipment, and the 1 -Day (LAPTOPS-STD) and 7-Day (LAPTOPS-STW) laptop loans. 

Reserve LIBStats Monthly report from ADMIN: This report includes circulation numbers for books and articles on reserve. 

Monthly Holds Statistics report from ADMIN: this report includes the number of items placed on hold at each campus. 

ITEM USED report from ADMIN: This report includes the number of items marked as used in library, but not checked out (see Mark Items Used). This number is added to the stat sheet under “Pick-Ups”