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NIC Library Manual

Check-Out and Discharging

If materials are in the bookdrop before the scheduled opening time (i.e. 8 am) they can be checked in for the previous day’s date in the following manner: 

  1. In Workflows select: Circulation > Special > Discharging Bookdrop  

  1. Enter date of discharge (day/month/year) or use the calendar wizard    (next to the date box)  

  1. Scan the item barcode 

  1. Re-sensitize the item on the 3m ‘thumper’ 

To check-in library materials, in Workflows select: Circulation > Common Tasks > Discharging.  

  1. Scan each item to be discharged 

  1. Re-sensitize the item on the 3m ‘thumper’ 

  1. If the item is a DVD, remove the disk from the case and return it to the DVD storage area behind the circulation desk 

If an item has more than one piece workflows will create an alert. Check to make sure all of the pieces have been returned, and then use the Work Flows pieces override code to dismiss the alert. 

To change the check-in date for the items, see Bookdrop Check-in 

In Workflows select:  Circulation > Common Tasks > CheckOut     

  1. Scan the barcode or the patron’s card. Patron ID must be shown in order to check out library items.  (Alternate Photo ID can also be accepted, however students who have not yet obtained a student card should be encouraged to do so.)   

  1. Do not change the due date (calendar icon) unless it is for Faculty who are entitled to have books on extended loan (see Extended Loans).   

  1. After scanning the item select “Email Current Checkouts Receipt” (to email a receipt for the items just checked out), or “Email All Checkouts Receipt” (to email a list of all items checked out to the user), then close the window and a receipt will automatically print and an electronic email receipt will be sent.   

  1. Give the receipt to the patron  

  1. Desensitize the item on the 3M ‘thumper’. Use the main ‘thumper’ for books, and the small one labelled Video Check-in for DVD’s and VHS tapes. 

When there is software accompanying a book, if it has a separate barcode, it must be checked out also. DVD’s are kept behind the circulation desk, and must be retrieved and placed into the DVD case at time of checkout. 

If a red ALERT or NOTE shows, click once on the word, and the reason for the alert will show. Items with multiple pieces will produce an alert, and workflows will ask for an override code. Use the Pieces override code. 

If the borrower is BLOCKED do not charge out any further materials until such time as fines are paid and books returned.  See Appendix A: Circulation Privileges for the block points for fines and overdues. 

Follow up with Unflagging Procedures as required (See: Remove Flag).  

For guidelines on extended loans eligibility see Loan Periods 

To sign out materials for extended periods: 

  1. In Workflows select: Circulation > Common Tasks > CheckOut, scan staff card, click on the Special Due Date icon (calendar) 

  1. Input new due date (day/month/year)  

  1. Mark radio button – 1 item use: ‘for this checkout only’; multiple items use: ‘for this user only’.   Click OK 

  1. Continue by scanning barcode of each book to go out on extended loan. 

If the “Item Not Found in Catalog” message displays when an item barcode is entered, the item can be checked out by using the “Add Brief Title” Helper available in the Checkout wizard: 

  1. Click the Add Brief Title helper. 

  1. Under Title Info, select the personal author and title (title is a required field). 

  1. Under Call Number and Copy Info, change the fields as needed. 

  1. Click Add Brief Title. 

Make note of the item ID and title and forward the information to library Tech Services 

Journals, Magazines, and Reference items may be borrowed by faculty, staff and students. Periodicals do not have barcodes. They are checked out by adding the Item ID on the periodical into where the barcode would be scanned.  

Reference items may be checked out for one day, and periodicals for three weeks.  

If items being returned need to be quarantined, DO NOT discharge the item. Instead, they will be checked out to the Quarantine User ID assigned to your campus: 

  1. Select Circulation > Common Tasks > CheckOut 

  1. In “User ID” field enter your campus’s quarantine code and then press ‘enter’: 

  • CV: QNTCV 

  • CR: QNTCR 

  • PA: QNTPA 

  • PH: QNTPH 

  1. Scan the item, and override any warnings that pop up about the item not being discharged or having holds and select “Override and Checkout Item” 

This will discharge the item from the original borrower, but stops any holds from being processed in the system before the item is out of quarantine. The item will display as “In Quarantine” in the public catalogue. 

Place the items in the designated Quarantine area. Once the quarantine period has passed, discharge the item and it will be routed to it’s next location, whether that is the stacks, another library, or to the holds shelf. (see Check-In/Discharging