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NIC Library Manual

Lost/Damaged Items

Items returned with minor damage should be repaired if possible, and any unrepairable damage should be noted in pencil inside the front cover of the book. If you are unsure if the item is too damaged to circulate consult the Collections Librarian. See Book Repairs for instructions on how to repair books. 

If you suspect that damage is deliberate, or if you have noticed a pattern of damaged items from the same patron consult the Coordinator of Library Services. Consider using the Account Notes feature in Workflows to track items damaged by a patron. 

The Assumed Lost Report automatically marks item as lost after they have been overdue for 49 days.  The item remains on the patron’s file until the item is returned, the bill is paid, or library staff (under special circumstances only) forgive or waive the bill.  In Workflows select: Circulation > Common Tasks > Display User / Bills

Due to the high cost of laptops, they are assumed lost once they have been overdue for 5 days. See Overdue Notices (Laptops) for clarification about policies and procedures. 

When a returned item is damaged beyond repair do not discharge or change record.  Let Library Tech Services know that the item has been damaged beyond repair, and that an invoice should be created. Tech services will add the appropriate bills to the user account, and mail out an invoice to the user. Users cannot pay for damaged items until the invoice has been created by tech services. 

Once the invoice has been created follow procedures outlined in Paying Bills. After accepting payment add date & your initials to the patron receipt 

Once paid for the Item(s) damaged beyond repair may be given to patron if they request. 

If a patron finds a lost item before they have paid their bill, discharge the item and they will be charged overdue fines. Contact Cataloguing to advise of return of lost item.  

If a patron finds a lost item after they have paid their bill they are eligible for a full refund within 30 days of their invoice date, minus applicable overdue fines. Contact Acquisitions staff at CV.   

To calculate the overdue fine on a lost book that is returned before the 30 day deadline see the item record

  1. In Workflows look up the item using the item ID. 

  1. See: Detailed Display > Call Number/Item > Bills 

  1. Bill Type: ALL 

  1. Check the due date (to the right).  Manually calculate the fine from the due date to the date the item was returned.  Note: no fines on weekends or holidays. See Appendix C: Loan Periods and Fines for fine amounts for different item types, and for maximum fines charged. If you are struggling to calculate the fine contact Library Tech Services. 

If a patron self-reports that they have lost an item, the full replacement cost plus a $20.00 processing fee will be charged. WorkFlows automatically adds the processing fee once an item has been marked lost. If the item to be replaced is no longer in print and/or the original cost cannot be established, a default charge of $35.00 plus a $20.00 processing fee will be charged.  Video’s and DVD’s are charged a default charge of $35, with no processing fee. 

If the patron wants to be invoiced for the lost item let Library Tech Services know, and they will process the lost item and produce an invoice. 

If the patron would like to pay for the lost item immediately, mark item in catalogue as ‘Lost’ in Workflows:  

  1. Select Circulation > Items > Mark item Lost 

  1. Input barcode or bring up the item using the item or user search button at the top of the screen.  

  1. Find the item 

  1. Click Mark Item Lost 

  1. Click on Mark Item Lost again at the bottom of the screen.  

  1. When the pop up appears, select a payment type 

  1. Click ‘Pay Now’ or ‘Bill User’ to add the lost fees to the user’s account to pay via the “Paying Bills” circulation function. Note: do not click “Cancel Lost Item Bill” as this does not bill the user and the fees will not appear on the user’s account.  

  1. Add date & your initials to the receipt before giving to the patron.  

  1. If the book needs to be replaced contact the Collections Librarian 30 days after the invoice date.