Student records are flagged on an ongoing basis. Reasons for flagging include unpaid invoices for lost, damaged or overdue books and accumulated fines over $10. This is usually done by Library Tech. Services in CV.
Library Technicians II and III will be responsible for removing library flags on Colleague except when payments are made at Registration. Then Registration will remove flags from Colleague, make a duplicate receipt and send it to the Library for follow-up on Workflows. (Always check to make sure the flag was lifted).
Entering an end date in Colleague has essentially the same effect as removing the flag and as the library does not require a ‘flag history’, removing the flag rather than entering end dates will be the practice. (Per Assistant Registrar & Coordinator of Library Services.)
Click on Colleague UI icon on MyNIC
Enter your username and password.
Make sure “form search” is selected
Click the arrow button next to: Search for a Form
Select: PERC: Persons Restrictions
Person Lookup: student/employee #
Click on: OK
Use the arrow keys to scroll down to a blank line. Enter the restriction look-up code ‘LF’, press enter and the information will default in. (Do not enter ‘end date’ as these flags must remain until the bill is paid).
Click on: Save > Update > Finish.
To continue, at the Finish screen enter another student # and Submit instead of Finish. Finish takes you back to the main screen
To logout always use the button in upper right corner.
Done by staff when all invoices and fines over $10 have been paid
Bring up the PERC screen & student as above, steps i-vii.
Click on the number (1, 2…) to the left of the words LF Library Fine.
At the Alert screen click on delete
At the 2nd Alert Screen (Delete whole group…) click on delete again.
This will take you back to the PERC screen
Click on: Save > Update > Finish.
To continue, at the Finish screen enter another student # and Submit instead of Finish. Finish takes you back to the main screen
To logout always use the button in the upper right corner.
To cancel without saving any changes, click on the cancel button, then cancel again at the Alert Screen.