Holds that have been placed for items that are available in the library will be included on the List On-shelf Items with Holds reports which are produced at 7:30 am each day and emailed to the ILL-NIC folder. To access the ILL folders open your e-mail and go to: Public Folders > Library > ILL-NIC. Select and print your campus report.
Note: If an in-person patron finds a pending hold item in the stacks, before it is pulled for the hold, they are entitled to check it out. Override the hold and check the item out to the in-person patron.
Once the items on the list have been pulled:
Discharge each item Workflows > Circulation > Common Tasks > Discharge
At: Item Not checked Out click on: OK. A hold slip will print with the user’s name and pickup location.
Attach holdslip to the item.
If the pick-up location is your campus put the item on the holds shelf. When the item is picked-up, check out as usual.
If the pick-up location is another campus – mail the item to the appropriate campus, with the hold slip attached. The system has already put the item to intransit.
An automatically generated email will be sent to the user letting them know their hold is ready to be picked up.
An automatic generated email is sent to ILL-NIC folder when a hold has been sitting not picked up for 1 week. Discharge item and put back on the shelf or send back to owning campus.
When a hold item is returned, discharge as per usual.
The item will be put to stacks or intransit to home library
Or, if there is another hold on the item, a new hold slip will print. Process as above.
If an item from the Holds list cannot be found:
Do a thorough search for it
If the item is still missing, mark it as missing: Workflows > Circulation > Items > Mark Item Missing.
Input item barcode, select: Get Item Info > Mark Item Missing > Close.
Contact the other campuses to request they check their stacks
Transfer the hold to another copy of the item, if available (see Transfer Holds)
Print your Place Holds list – circle the missing item and write any notes beside the item
Put the Place Holds list on your holds shelf so the info is available if/when the patron comes asking for the item.
If an item cannot be located but there are other copies of the item available, change the status of the item to ‘missing’ (see Missing item), then cancel the hold (see Remove Item Hold- Workflows) and replace it (see Place Hold-Workflows). The hold should now be placed on an available item. If there are multiple holds on the title, move the user to the top of the holds list:
In workflows, click on Holds > Reorder Hold Queue wizard.
In the Item Search identify the title for which you want to reorder the hold queue
A table of the unavailable/active holds for this title displays. (By default, title level holds display.) For each hold in the queue, the table lists the user information, hold status, when placed, pickup information, and more. You can click the User ID and Status glossaries to see more information about the users/holds. A glossary at the top of the wizard window displays more information about the title.
To reorder a hold or group of holds, highlight the hold line(s) by clicking the line (and dragging the cursor down or up to select multiple lines), right click, and in the shortcut menu, select Cut. The selected line(s) will appear in italics.
Highlight the hold line where you want to insert the hold(s), right-click, and select Insert Before or Insert After in the shortcut menu. The hold(s) will be inserted before or after the selected hold line. click Close to exit the wizard.