When an item is noticed as missing from the stacks, do a thorough search. Look in the stacks, reference section, book carts, repair shelf, display etc. Contact the other campuses and request they search for the missing item. If the item cannot be located, then change the status of the item to ‘missing’ in workflows:
Select Circulation > Items > Mark Item Missing.
Input item barcode
Click: Get Item Info > Mark Item Missing > Close
At the beginning of each month a list of missing/lost items is automatically sent to each campus library. To produce a list at other times in Workflows select: Circulation > Common Tasks > Display User and enter ‘Missing’ or ‘Lost’ as User ID.
Check your shelves for all the missing items. (This can be assigned to the student assistants). Found items must be discharged to remove them from the missing list, then returned to their home campus.
Every May do a final check, then send the list of any items missing more than one year from your campus to the Collections Librarian for review and possible replacement. When the review is completed the Collections Librarian will forward a list of any records to be removed from the catalogue to Library Tech Services.
If an item is marked as ‘Lost’ it will only show in the shadowed catalogue in Workflows, it won’t appear in the OPAC.