Emergency Telephone Numbers:
Life Threatening: 911
Campus Address:
3699 Roger Street
Port Alberni, BC V9Y 8E3
Non-Life Threatening:
Facilities Day Hours 8:30 - 4:30 weekdays:
Facilities Day Hours: Jessie Broekhuizen ext. 8702 or cell: 250-720-5908
Security After Hours: 250-735-0626 *security on campus only if after hours class is scheduled*
Then Notify:
Lynette Gallant: Work Cell: 250-218-0225
Personal Cell: 250-650-4170 Evenings after 4:00pm or weekends. (Call do not text)
Craig Whitton: Work Cell: 778-585-5787
Kimberley Budd and Steve West are the Fire Marshals for the second floor. The assembly station is the main parking lot.
If injury occurs involving staff or students call:
Business Hours:
First Aid: 250-735-0626
After Hours:
250-735-0626 *only if after hours class is scheduled*
NIC Emergency Lockdown Procedures
A lockdown of a campus or individual building is an emergency procedure intended to secure and protect occupants who are in the proximity of an immediate threat. This procedure is used when it may be more dangerous to evacuate a building than stay inside. By controlling entry/exit and movement within a facility, emergency personnel are better able to contain and handle any threats
Notification of a campus lockdown may be announced via the PA system, emergency personnel or an administrator.
Port Alberni has two panic buttons: