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NIC Library Manual


Library workshops are scheduled at the beginning of each semester. 

The physical layout of the library, library policies, times of operation etc. should be discussed. Allow about 45 mins. in total using the Information Literacy Toolkit that lays out a standardized orientation to use.  

Faculty may however give specific workshops for their classes on web searching in specific areas.  This is not part of the library orientation session. 

NIC instructors are encouraged to request library workshops using the booking form located in the Faculty Supports in the LLC guide. If a workshop is requested by other means (i.e., email, phone call, interaction at the desk), the Library Services team member receiving the request should complete the booking form themselves. 

  1. The recipient of the form is, which is monitored primarily by CV staff. 

  1. CV staff immediately respond via email to the instructor to a) acknowledge that we have received their request and b) inform them that we will be in contact again once the date/time has been confirmed. 

  • Use the following template: 

Good morning/afternoon [INSTRUCTOR], 

This email is to confirm that the NIC Library & Learning Commons has received your request for a library workshop. 

We will reach out to members of the LLC team to learn who will be available to facilitate this session. Once we know who will join your class on the day that you have requested, you will receive a confirmation email that will include the library orientation facilitator as a recipient as well. This will give the two of you an opportunity to plan and discuss expectations and outcomes together. 

  1. CV staff then forward the request to all librarians to find out who will facilitate the session on the requested date. 

  1. Once a facilitator has been confirmed, CV staff will then send a ‘New Meeting’ invitation from the shared Library Services calendar. Include both the course instructor and the facilitator as required attendees. It is important to copy & paste the original LibWizard form results into the meeting invitation for this info to be visible in the Library Services calendar. Categorize this appointment in RED. 

  • Use the following invitation template: 

Title: Library Workshop – [INSTRUCTOR] 

Good morning/afternoon [INSTRUCTOR] & [FACILITATOR], 

This email is to confirm that [FACILITATOR] is available to facilitate the library workshop that you have requested. 

  1. When accepting a meeting invitation as the facilitator for the workshop, please remember to click Send a response … otherwise, your acceptance of the meeting invitation is not tracked or visible to the Library Services team in Outlook.