Picture ID student / library cards are produced by Computer Services, pictures are taken at registration and the resulting card is distributed to students by the libraries. Cards are sent to the library in a sealed interoffice envelope, and once they are received, they should be filed alphabetically by last name in the student card box kept behind the circulation desk until they are picked up. Students do not have to show ID to claim their student cards, just check the picture to double check that the card belongs to the student.
Student / Library cards are printed for students, staff, & Elder College students. They are not printed for students taking college credit courses that are less than 28 days in length.
If a student card is reported as being lost, there is a $10 charge for a new one. Send student to Registration to pay the fee and request the new card. A note must be added to the patron’s record in Workflows in the Extended Information field indicating that ‘the student reported lost card and the date’. Do not use Special / User lost card as this will prompt you for a new card number. NIC patrons will receive the same student/staff number on a new card.
There are no fees to replace lost Community Borrower cards. See Lost Cards for procedures for replacing lost card in workflows.
Students with concerns about late or missing cards should be directed to Registration to inquire. Cards are usually printed several times a week. Registration will trace it or take a new picture as appropriate.