Weekly statistic sheets should show the daily gate counts, reference question, directional question and orientation counts. At the end of each month they are to be tallied and entered in the monthly Stats Workbook.
Pick-Ups: Record all items left on shelves, tables etc. indicating that they have been used. Do not include items that you are able to count in Workflows by scanning them under ‘Mark Items Used’. Also include any journals & newspapers checked out manually to staff.
Extended Loans: Record here any long-term loans to faculty. (note: Loans will have been checked out on Workflows as per normal for extended loans but staff will have to manually track these figures for reporting purposes.)
Daily Gate Count: Record the gate count at opening and at closing. Subtract the opening count from the closing count to calculate the daily count. For branches with evening hours, Daytime count is from 8 – 4 p.m. and evening count is after 4 p.m.
Directional: Includes questions such as where is writing support, where is the NISU office, where to I pay my fees, where are the cookbooks, where is…?
Orientations: A library orientation involves a tour, explanation of policies and instruction on the catalogue and reference databases. Count individual students in each class or group visit plus individual students who need orientation to the library services.
Reference: Record each time a student asks for help accessing information or library materials including online research. Does not include directional questions such as ‘where’s the photocopier?
Workshops: Record the number of workshops run, how many registered and how many attended.
In-Person: Record reference questions as described above.
Gathering Monthly Workshop Statistics
Go to LibCal
Events > Events & Workshops
E-Mail / Phone: see Public Services Librarian & Coordinator of Library Service for stats generated by the online Ask a Librarian service and from courses with embedded librarians.
E-Books & Streaming Videos: Acquisitions Tech will supply these directly to the Stats Monthly Workbook.
Virtual Reference: ILLume mediator will access these directly from AskAway.