NIC currently only lends to other institutions in BC. All requests from for NIC books, media, and articles are automatically funnelled into the “Pending” file on CV’s ILLume platform only. The ILLume mediator monitors the pending file and will advise, via e-mail, when an ILLume request is pending for your campus to supply.
If a requesting library is not found in workflows, they should be added using the procedures found in User Registration in the following manner:
User ID: Institution ILLume code (eg Simon Frasier University is BVAS)
Profile Name: ILLume (or ILL for a non-ILLume institution)
Name: Full name of Institution (eg. Vancouver Island University)
Address: Address of Institution (eg. 900 5th St., Nanaimo, BC)
Privilege Expires: Never
Once you have been notified of a request for an article:
Open CV’s ILLume platform (See ILLume Login and Password). Click on: Staff Dashboard > ILL Admin > Request Manager.
On the right side of the page, under “Manage Lender Requests” Click on Pending Click on the appropriate title and request # as per the e-mail you received.
Search for the journal in our databases, and note if it is a print journal in our collection or an electronic journal.
The Illume Mediator will notify you if there is a request for a book from your campus. Once you have been notified of a request for a book:
Open CV’s ILLume platform (See ILLume Login and Password). Click on: Staff Dashboard > ILL Admin > Request Manager.
On the right side of the page, under “Manage Lender Requests” Click on Pending
Click on the appropriate title and Request # as per the e-mail you received.
Print the request by selecting Format to Print > Print
Locate the item and Check it out to the borrowing institution (see Check Out) with a loan period of 6 weeks. Look up the Institution’s account by typing their ILLume initials into the User ID field (eg. University of Victoria is “BVIV”), or look them up using their full Institutional name using the ‘User Search’ button . If the institution does not have a user account create one (see Add Institutional User Account).
If the item cannot be located, let the ILLume moderator know, including the reason why. e.g. Book missing, not on shelf, not in collection, etc.
Use the LBST (Library Book Shipping Tool) to create a Canada Post shipping label plus a postage paid return label. Enclose return address label with book, as well as a copy of the ILLume request stamped with “Due 3 weeks from date received”. See: Appendix E: Library Book Shipping Tool.
E-mail the ILLume mediator and notify them of the shipping date
Requests from another institution for an article available at NIC only via online databases can be supplied provided licensing permits printing for ILL lending. See the License Permission Table to determine if ILL is permissible under our licence agreement. Download a PDF of the article, then follow steps 3-8 under Print Periodicals.
NIC instructors should be encouraged to book NIC media items in advance, as once NIC has confirmed that a video/DVD will be available for loan to another institution, we are obliged to provide it. Therefore, if an instructor wishes to book a NIC media item that has already been booked for another institution, NIC must submit a Media request to another institution for the video/DVD!
Each campus must keep a calendar or day timer used exclusively for media bookings of both faculty and Media requests. The calendar will show both the date that the media item is to be shown and the date that it is to be pulled from the shelf.
A ‘Reserved’ banner will be put on the media item but it will be left on the shelf. Anyone wishing to borrow the item must return it 2 working days prior to the ‘remove from shelf’ date. If an instructor needs that item for a date already committed to a Media request, then a copy of the media item will be borrowed from somewhere else.
All Media requests are sent out 7 working days prior to the show date. These are sent collect via Purolator and the receiving institution number must appear on the Purolator slip. The due date is 3 working days after the show date. (Allow more time for items going to Northern BC or the Yukon).
All NIC requests that are booked for any NIC campus are sent out 7 days prior to the show date.
Requests for media ILL may come through ILLume, or by email to your campus’s media booking inbox. Once you have received notification of a request for media, check the availability of the media, including any license restrictions, then send confirmation/rejection of booking to requesting Institution. Media item may be unavailable for a Media loan if it is previously booked, is a non-circulating reserve item, or licensing prevents lending outside NIC, i.e. “Site License Only”.
To check license restrictions:
In Workflows at any tab select: Item Search & Display / Bib scroll down to: #028 – a number will appear followed by “AEMAC” indicating it is an AEMAC video (AEMAC videos are lendable to Post-Secondary institution only, except to Yukon who opted out of the AEMAC license);
See fields #506 and #540 for other restrictions (i.e. “NIC use only”). Circulation status for this item can be checked from this screen under the Circ Info or Vol/Copy tabs.
Keep a copy of the requesting institution's email or ILLume request in the Media binder.
If there are no license restrictions proceed with filling the request:
Add a “Media request banner" on the requested media with the following information in the space provided: borrowing institution's acronym, e.g. NL for Northern Lights, etc., and the Loan Number which the borrowing institution provides on their Media e-mail or Online request. Pull date is usually 7 working days before show date. Leave the Date Due blank (Fill in just prior to shipping media item). Return the item to the shelf with the banner on it.
Pull the item from the shelf 7 days prior to the show date. For institutions in Northern BC or Yukon pull 10 days prior to show date.
Check item out in Workflows, and manually change Due Date to 3 days after Show Date (7 days for Northern BC or Yukon libraries)
Send via Purolator collect with the requesting institution's Purolator Number on the Purolator slip. (see Mail-Purolator ) Purolator numbers are on the printed Media directory at your campus. If you don’t have a directory contact another NIC campus or the requesting institution directly. Allow for 1 week shipping each way for Northern BC and Yukon Institutions.
Declare value on waybill as $100 (or actual value if known). Use only bubble pak envelopes or boxes.
Notify the ILLume moderator when the item ships, and again when it is returned
Note that there are no renewals allowed for media items, and institutions should mail them back the day after the show date.
Most of the article requests we receive are for our print collection.
Locate the appropriate journal issue on our shelves
Scan the requested article to PDF
Open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
Select Tools > Edit PDF, and click “Add Text”
Click on a blank area at the top of the first page, and copy and paste NIC’s copyright notice, adjusting font size and placement as necessary: “This copy is provided to you under Fair Dealing Guidelines to the Copyright Act, and may be used for research, private study, criticism, review or news reporting. This copy may not be transmitted to any third party. In using this copy for criticism, review or news reporting, you must mention: (i) the source; and (ii) if given in the source, the name of the author of the work.”
Save the PDF, using the ILLume number as the document name
Open the request in ILLume. Click on “Upload Document”, and then “choose file”. Select the file and click “Submit”
Notify the ILLume moderator that the request has been filled. If you are unable to fill the request for any reason, alert the ILLume Moderator immediately.
When a book or media item is item is returned, check it in as usual, then let ILLume mediator know (ASAP) that you have received it back so that the ILL request can be marked as completed on the online system. Always have the word ILLume in the subject heading of all your e-mails regarding ILLume requests.