Summarize your local cash transactions and deposit cash with Student Services on a regular basis. Depending on your campus and how busy you are, this could be on a weekly, monthly or term basis. Only keep one year retention.
You will need:
For total cash from printing
For total cash from fines
(If your campus keeps a physical, written record of fine payments) Hand-written record of cash from fines & book replacements. Good to have for comparison.
To tally and record cash transaction totals for submission to Student Services.
*Find these forms in SharePoint > Library Services > Shared Documents > Forms 2019
Your circulation desk may keep a hard copy of a Fine and Book Replacement Payment sheet on a clipboard, where you can manually record these fines. This can be used to compare numbers with the Bill Breakdown reports and check for any discrepancies, or to note any unusual payment information.
This is a report that you print out from Papercut to see how much cash was paid for printing at your campus for the allotted time.
Click the green Excel spreadsheet icon and you will get the report in an Excel format.
Example of PaperCut Web Cashier Order Report
Once you have gathered the above documents you are ready to fill out the Weekly Cash Out and Deposit Form. (Remember that this may not be done weekly: it depends on your campus and how quickly your cash payments come in.) Here are the steps for completing it.