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APA Style Guide: 7th Edition

Newspaper Article, Print


Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year, Month followed by date of publication). Title of article in sentence case: Capitalize the first word of the subtitle. Title of Newspaper in Mixed Case and Italics, first page-last page.


Kines, L. (2019, December 6). Report expected by summer on feasibility of shore power to cut cruise-ship emissions. The Times Colonist, A4.


  • Author, A. A. = Author's surname followed by first and middle initials, when available.
  • Include the year, month, and date of publication when available.
  • If an article continues on a non-sequential page, include all the page numbers, separated with a comma. For example: A2, A7.

Examples of formatting an in-text citation for this item are outlined below:

Reference Information

Kines, L. (2019, December 6). Report expected by summer on feasibility of shore power to cut cruise-ship emissions. Times Colonist, A4.

In-text Citation Guidelines



Parenthetical citation example



Consider this a paraphrased sentence (Kines, 2019).   


Narrative citation example


According to Kines (2019), "consider this a direct quote" (para. 2).

Remember, in-text citation formatting may change depending on a number of factors.

See Number of Authors, Publication Date, and Page/Paragraph Number or Heading for more information.