Examples of formatting an in-text citation for this item are outlined below:
Reference Information |
Bustillos, M. (2013, March 19). On video games and storytelling: An interview with Tom Bissell. The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/on-video-games-and-storytelling-an-interview-with-tom-bissell |
In-text Citation Guidelines |
Examples |
1. Parenthetical citation example
Consider this a paraphrased sentence (Bustillos, 2013). |
2. Narrative citation example |
According to Bergeson (2013), "consider this a direct quote" (para. 2). |
Remember, in-text citation formatting may change depending on a number of factors.
See Number of Authors, Publication Date, and Page/Paragraph Number or Heading for more information.