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APA Style Guide: 7th Edition

Report with Multiple Levels of Government


Name of Government Agency or Organization. (Year, Month followed by date of publication). Title of report in sentence case and italics: Capitalize the first word of the subtitle. (Report 123). Name of Parent Agencies.



National Cancer Institute. (2018). Facing forward: Life after cancer treatment (NIH Publication No. 18-2424). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.


  • Include the month and date of publication for reports, when available.
  • Include a report number, when available.
  • When multiple levels of government, or parent agencies, are listed but are not present in the author name, they will be placed in the publisher element.

Examples of formatting an in-text citation for this item are outlined below:

Reference Information

National Cancer Institute. (2018). Facing forward: Life after cancer treatment (NIH Publication No. 18-2424). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.

In-text Citation Guidelines



Note: If you are paraphrasing from a lengthy document, also include page, paragraph or heading info. 


Consider this a paraphrased sentence (National Cancer Institute, 2018).   




According to National Cancer Institute (2018), "consider this a direct quote" (p. 15).

Remember, in-text citation formatting may change depending on a number of factors.

See Number of Authors, Publication Date, and Page/Paragraph Number or Heading for more information.